~ Bella Marie ~

Wow! It's been a long time since I've posted on here! Well, I don't really have much to write about. I'm sure you read my sisters' xangas and saw that I have a new niece! I took a few pictures of her (okay, about a billion!). I will share a few with you.
One of my favorites!
Look how big she's getting!
She wasn't even a month old here.
I still have to take her pictures in her little bedroom - it's all pink! I can't wait!

I'm still working at the farm; right now I am filling out applications for farmers markets and working on the new website for the farm. Look for it soon, we're nearly done. =)
I will get to help plant in a few weeks (if I'm not too busy in the office)! I am so excited for Spring and warm weather. We've had a few days in the 30's and one in the 40's! We are still getting snow, but at least we had warmer temperatures, it is going to get cold again, so I am very thankful for the warm days!
You can expect another post soon! I want to introduce you to Henry!